Sangha – Meditating Together Online
To support you and provided inspiration and guidance
Daily Zoom Meditations
To support you in your Vipassana practise at home
Several times a week Martin has been inviting practitioners from all over Europe to meditate together online via Zoom.
Basically this is to help support people with their daily meditation practice or to reboot their practice. Many are seeing the benefit that meditation can have during difficult times and practicing together is a way to give encouragement to each other.
For those whising to join the online zoom practice, they will need to have had previouse experience with the Vipassana Mahasi technique from Ajahn Tong. Please contact Martin either through the contact form on this website, or give him a call or a WhatsApp message.
You can choose to join Martin every day, once a week, or whatever way that will support you. With Zoom it is very easy to join. The meditations will be kept short. If you need more guidance before or after, this is possible as well.
These meditations are based on Buddhist principles and therefor free of charge.
So it is available and easy accessible for everyone. But there is also the graceful art of ‘giving back’. For example by spreading good vibes to the world around you and sometimes by hitting the donate button here below!
In Buddhism there are 3 gems
1.Buddha, the awakened one
2.Dharma, the way of understanding and loving
3.Sangha, the community that lives in harmony and awareness
Week schedule Zoom meditations
Morning Meditation
Monday till Saturday
Evening Meditation
with Story
Thursday Evening
Mindfulness Task
Saturday & Sunday
How will you become free?
With a quiet mind
Come into that empty house, your heart
And feel the joy of the way – Beyond the world
Gautama Buddha